A Small Selection of Recent Projects
Manchester University Website
Discover the surrounding Area Of manchester and all the activities the univeristy has to offer whilst you partake in your Studies
Security Fundementals Blog
Firewall Security Blog and a setup guide on Metasploitable
Programming With Processing
An interactive yet difficult game made using java that captivates the Audience and brings entertainment.
Forensics Report with Autopsy
A report of a digital crime scene that was investigated using the software Autopsy
My Work Experience
My approach
Planning And Strategy
I will pick a project that I would like to do and will look at similar examples and see how they are implemented, which I will then utilise to start designing my own project to construct.
Development & Launch
As soon as the project has been selected, I will start building it in order to bring it to life, incorporating all of the required features and accessibility options, before launching it for everyone to view and use.
FeedBack And Improvement
Once the project has been completed and launched, I will be open to any input from users, which will allow me to adopt any necessary adjustments and ensure that these enhancements are employed in future projects development phase.